Raw data files

We recommend that you use our workforce estimates, not raw data, to ensure your analysis is representative of the whole sector.
What is raw data?
Raw data files, available in CSV or SPSS, contain workplace and worker level information allowing you to perform your own analysis of ASC-WDS information.
These files are completely anonymised to protect the anonymity of workplaces and workers. It is not possible to directly identify any individual workplace or workers. There are no names, ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ or National Insurance numbers held in these files.
Important note about raw data
The ASC-WDS holds information on around half of the adult social care sector. This coverage varies by care service, job role and geographical area.
We create annual workforce estimates to estimate the size, structure and characteristics of the whole adult social care workforce in England. Unlike raw data, the workforce estimates are representative of all adult social care workers, even where ASC-WDS has uneven levels of data coverage.
Therefore we recommend that you use our workforce estimates to ensure your analysis is representative of the whole sector.
Requesting raw analysis files in CSV or SPSS
If you wish to do your own analysis of ASC-WDS then you can request anonymised raw data files (they are available in CSV or SPSS formats). You will need to sign a data sharing agreement before receiving these files.
There are two files:
- At workplace level, displaying each care-providing location as a separate row.
- At a worker level, with each worker record as a separate row. Some workplace attributes are included in the worker file to enable analysis across the two files.
The files are a snap shot of the ASC-WDS as at the last day of the preceding month.
Please contact us to request files and to discuss your project so that we can advise on the best the data options for you.